Sunday, 8 June 2008

Food and drink in Auckland

When we were in Auckland for the weekend, we went out to dinner at a Chinese restaurant. A strange place, but it was full of Chinese folk; always a good sign. The fact that we couldn't read the menus - all in Chinese characters - was a bit daunting, but we pressed ahead and they did have an English translation.

As soon as we sat down we were brought bowls of steaming soup. We tried to explain that we'd not ordered anything yet but were assured it was free. It was also grey and very watery, probably just the drippings from the duck fat tray, but actually quite tasty, especially as I was still nursing a hangover and the others were recovering from their race. We also had a pot of red tea delivered to our table, which was free too and 'better than green tea', or so we were told.

The food that we did pay for was very tasty. Spaz was a hungry monster and in refuelling mode he shovelled up the remnants of anything anyone couldn't eat - hence he had a tasty sweet and sour pork with black bean sauce and deep fried noodles - an authentic Chinese combination.

His hunger pangs were killed off with a few pints of Monteiths Black, so we didn't stop off at the demonic pie cart on our way back to the backpackers. I saw this place the next day in the light, and I can imagine that the demonic aspect is well and truely deserved.

And here is a picture of his favourite street in Auckland - no prizes for guessing why!

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