Wednesday, 22 April 2009


We go for a run along Riversdale Beach this morning; strangely tough on the muscles but good for the legs. People are out walking their dogs, all of whom seem to be having a great time racing around in the surf, chasing seagulls, each other, the wind and their tails. Is there a more engaging sight than the overwhelming exuberance of a dog on a beach?

It's nearly time for the long weekend to finish so we pack up and head home via Greytown. I've never been here before and want to explore. It feels like a bigger version of Arrowtown with its cute old buildings, antique shops and historic trees - there are even signs to point them out in case you don't notice them.

We bumble around looking in the shops. We love the Italian leather shoes, the bone-handled cutlery and the rows of toys and rubber ducks.  We are tempted by artwork, kitchenware and kittens.

(EDIT: There was another word and picture in here but someone complained to the Blogger standards people and the post was deleted until I removed the content. I could get into an argument about free speech and whitewashing social history, or I could just be amazed that someone cared enough to report a blog post of mine written over 14 years ago.)

The cafes are charging 10-15% extra and many of the shops are closed. I blame the public holiday surcharge rather than the recession. I hate the fact that the hospitality trade tries to make out it can't afford to pay staff when they are clearly raking it in. We eat lunch at the Swan Hotel and my grilled chicken salad is very nice.

It doesn't take us too long to drive home, which is one of the reasons we decided to go over to the east rather than up the west coast. Holidaymakers coming back into Wellington from up that way have to sit in traffic for four hours. Surely this negates any relaxing benefits that the holiday has bestowed?

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