"You just need to hide there until you get pulled out." - Magician's Assistant (Sarah McCarthy) |
"Why can't he just, well, trans-com-mod-u-fy me?" - Rabbit (Michelle Cooper) |
"Can I really what?" - Magician (Tony Cheshire) |
"I am a real magician." |
"People love to be fooled." |
"A good magic trick leaves you with a sense of hope, miracles, and infinite possibility." |
"Are you going to climb in there, or am I going to have to snap off your four good look charms and cram you in there?" |
"Hey, Chimp, you know there's no such thing as magic?" |
"Humour is about breaking conventions and pushing taboos." - Monkey (Paul Jackson) |
"Everyone's busting a gut, I'm busting my butt." |
"Tears of the clown? Try tears of the f*%!ing dancing ape." |
"For every joke reinforcing that ape-ist hegemony, I die a little inside." |
Woohoo! Thanks for posting this, Kate!
A Dumb Monkey