Monday, 11 February 2019

Advent Calendar Beers of 2018

Our traditional advent calendar (in which I buy the odd-numbered beers for Him Outdoors and he buys the even-numbered ones for me) was looking a bit sad at the end of November...

...but fortunately we filled it up in time for a range of boozy delights (still in Liverpool colours).

For those who are interested, I shall name and rate (out of five) the 24 beers of Christmas. For those who aren't; you might want to skip ahead to the next post.

Beer #1: Passionista by Wayward Brewing (Sour - Berliner Weisse 3.8%) - Tart and refreshing; fruity and light; a great palate cleanser. 4.25/5

Beer #2: Nieuw Bruin (Sorrenberg Yeast) by Bridge Road Brewers (Collaboration with 8 Wired Brewing Co. Brown Ale - Belgian 8.3%) - sour and dark is weird but good, like malty sour cherries. 4.25/5

Beer #4: Blood Red Sky by Innis & Gunn (Scottish Ale/ Wee Heavy 6.8%) - Malty caramel, dark toffee, vanilla, raisins and a whiff of rum. Spice up your life! 4.25/5

Beer #4: Et Tu Brut? IPA by Two Birds Brewing (IPA Brut 6.5%) - Very hoppy and fresh, and super dry, but in a good way; not in a Hahn way.  4.25/5

Beer #5: Pavlova by Brekeriet (Sour fruited 6.5%) Sweet and sour; raspberries, strawberries and cream; funky and rich. Very tasty indeed. 4.75/5

Beer #6: Weizenbock by Red Hill (Bock - Weizenbock 7.9%) - Not too sure about this: malt and alcohol and not too much else. 3/5

Beer #7: Tea Party by Two Birds Brewing (English Pale Ale 5.2%) - Earl grey tea and lemon with a large dose of malt and a touch of cucumber. This is beautifully crafted, like Pimm's with hops. 4.25/5

Beer #8 Pissenlit by Brasserie Fantome (Saison/ Farmhouse Ale 8%) Yeasty esters with spice, light caramel notes and a hint of banana. Sweeter than a usual saison and pleasantly funky. 4.5/5


Beer #9 Two Wolf Moon by Moon Dog Brewery (Biere de Champagne/ Biere Brut 8.5%) Interesting - gin and champagne yeast with beer. Very dry and crisp with citrus hop flavours against a sort of Pilsner background. 4/5

Beer #10 Cher & Choco by Brouwerij de Molen (Stout - Imperial Oatmeal, 10%) Intense chocolate and cherry flavours - very tasty. 4.25/5

Beer #11 & 12 (what are the chances?) Stone Free Hoppy Sour Apricot Ale by 8 Wired (sour - fruited 4.4%) Hoppy, apricot and dry rather than sour. Refreshing like a Berliner weisse. 4/5

Beer #13 & 20 Past Masters 1981 ESB by Fuller, Smith & Turner (Extra Special/ Strong Bitter 5.5%) Ahh, proper beer. Malt and hops in perfect harmony. Nutty and earthy: lovely. 4.5/5

Beer #14 Bede's Chalice by The Durham Brewery (Belgian Tripel 9%) Intense and fruity with bubblegum and banana esters balanced by orange peel bitterness. 4/5 

Beer #15 Coral Sour by Young Henrys (Sour - Gose 5.5%) Salty and crisp, but not refreshing - floral, earthy, hibiscus and Davidson plum (apparently). 3.25/5

Beer #16 Dr Shedlove (2018) by Big Shed Brewing Concern in collaboration with Doctor's Orders Brewing (Stout - Imperial / Double 9.3%) Earthy hops with a slight sweetness and malty hoppy goodness. 4.25/5

Beer #17 The Druid by 3 Ravens (Whisky barrel-aged Belgian-style quad 12%) Dried fruit esters and notes of oak, vanilla and whisky from the barrels in which it was aged. 4.5/5

Beer #18 '88' Robust Porter by Riverside Brewing (Porter 6%) Dark chocolate and coffee flavours: roasty but not bitter. 4.25/5

Beer #19 Halo Milkshake Berliner by Brewski (Sour - Berliner Weisse 4.7%) Fruity and full-bodied; creamy and sour; passion fruit and raspberry Berliner Weisse. Odd and interesting. 4.25/5 

Beer #21 Orval by Brasserie d'Orval (Pale Ale - Belgian 6.2%) 

Beer #22 GingerGueuze by Lindemans (Lambic - Gueuze 6%) Ginger and spicy and funky and slightly sour: goes beautifully with rum and peaches-glazed ham for Christmas drunch. 4.75/5

Beer #23 Saison by Forest for the Trees (Saison / Farmhouse Ale 4.7%) Clean and refreshing; zesty citrus and funky spice. 3.5/5

Beer #24 Hellbender by Garage Project (Barleywine - American 11.2%) Malty to the max, with bitter citrus and pine hops; the definition of an American barleywine... brewed by Kiwis. 4.25/5

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