Friday, 23 October 2020

Friday Five: Floriade Re-Imagined

I have written about Floriade before on more than one occasion. This year, what with one thing and another, it would obviously have been irresponsible to have planted all the bulbs in one place and invited people to come and see them en masse and potentially spread disease. Instead, the Floriade Reimagined Horticultural Team, together with more than 90 community groups, planted blooms across the city in 130 different sites. 

This is a delightful way to introduce colour to the suburbs and to encourage public participation; events are not just for tourists and can be on your front door step. I really appreciated this community engagement and, while I didn't hunt down the locations that were clearly marked on the tulip trail, I did stumble across one or two sites by accident, which was a pleasant surprise. 

1. Margaret Timpson Park, Belconnen

Spot the garden gnome

2. Town Square, Woden

3. A Friend's House

Not an official location, but I did get to see Floyd (yes, he's called that because he's pink)

4. Woden Town Park, Woden

5. My Garden

Again, not an official location, but they are very pretty

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