Friday, 16 July 2021

Friday Five: Reviews of Penelopiad

The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood produced by Crouching Giraffe Productions in association with papermoon theatre
The Penelopiad  by Margaret Atwood has three more performances to go - two of which are sold out. If you live in Canberra, grab the last tickets to tomorrow's matinee quickly before they're gone. You do not want to miss it. This is what the critics are saying.

5 Reviews of The Penelopiad
  1. That Guy Who Watches Canberra Theatre - "Kate Blackhurst's production brings this thrillingly to life... this is a great night of theatre, thoroughly absorbing and well worth the watch."
  2. The Canberra Critics Circle - Len Power - "Director, Kate Blackhurst, has produced a visually striking, uniquely stylised and thought-provoking production that succeeds on all levels. It's also very entertaining."
  3. The Canberra Critics Circle - Frank McKone - "The production, seemingly simple in the intimate small-scale Studio space, has all the elements of drama working together with purpose and artistic integrity... This Penelopiad is my kind of theatre - strong in its intention; powerful in its effect and its message."
  4. The Canberra Critics Circle - Bill Stephens - "an imaginative version of this epic story, directed with considerable panache by Kate Blackhurst... the central role of Penelope given a compelling performance by Elaine Noon."
  5. The Canberra Critics Circle - Peter Wilkins - "the most significant production that I have seen on a Canberra stage for quite some time... This is theatre that confronts, challenges preconceptions and entertains."

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