Friday, 23 February 2024

Friday Five: Les Fameliars!

Back when we were in Ibiza (was that really almost a year ago? Oh, how I miss it), we came across statues and sculptures of a little sort of monster all over the place. The Fameliar is a little elf with a big ugly head, a big mouth and a terrible voice, which can only be found in the islands of Ibiza and Formentera.

A plaque at the foot of one of the statues explained, "according to tradition there is an ugly little being which, nonetheless, is capable of carrying out any job it has been given quickly and properly. The drawback is that it only knows how to do to things: work and eat. So, the only two words it knows are 'Feina o Menjar' (work or eat)! Anyone who wanted to have a 'fameliar' had to go under the old bridge of Santa Eularia on the Saint John's night with a black bottle, pick a certain flower that could only be seen on that night and place it into the vessel. Once it was well sealed, there was nothing special about the bottle but, as soon as it was opened, the 'fameliar' would appear, anxious and demanding work or food. The problem of the 'fameliars' is that they are so hard-working and they carry out the master's commands so fast that, once the job is over, they eat everything in the larder in the blink of an eye."

I know there are only four of them, but there are three pictures of one of them, so I reckon that works out. 

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