Friday 1 October 2021

Friday Five: ISO Puzzles

As part of the not being able to travel anywhere vibe, we are doing puzzles of places we can't currently visit. We've done this before, but puzzles become a little bit trickier when one has cats in the house. It turns out that many paws do not make light work. Who knew? 

5 Puzzles Completed:

  1. Rialto Bridge, Venice

  2. Seljalandsfoss, Iceland

  3. Island Archway, Great Ocean Road, Australia
    This is the reason the above image is called the island archway. It used to be - now, due to erosion it has become two pillars instead.

  4. Biking in Tuscany
  5. This last is another from the whimsy collection lent to me by the good Dr Kay. I love Lowry so really enjoyed completing this puzzle. I'm now considering a Lowry cross-stitch... 
  6. Market Scene, Northern Town - L.S. Lowry

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